To: MNGEA Membership
From: Scott Bousum, Legislative Director, EANGUS National Office
Topic: Legislative Report
Date: October 20, 2015
As of October 20, all eyes are on House Ways and Means Committee Chair – and former Vice Presidential nominee – Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI). Known as a moderate Republican, Representative Ryan will undoubtedly face many of the same challenges as outgoing Speaker John Boehner. As many as 40 House Freedom Caucus members desire a more conservative Speaker but some of those caucus members also believe that the responsibilities of the Speaker position have less to do with the Speaker’s personal views and more to do with how the Speaker manages the House floor process, including which amendments are considered during bill debate. If Representative Ryan declines consideration, Representatives Chaffetz (R-UT), Issa (R-CA), McCaul (R-TX), and Conaway (R-TX) are seen as serious candidates. However, each have expressed their desire for Representative Ryan to seek the gavel and would not challenge him. The Speaker election is scheduled for Thursday, October 29.

The U.S. government will default on debts if the borrowing limit is not increased by Thursday, November 5 per the Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew. Congressional Republicans and Democrats are negotiating a deal to increase the debt limit and decrease spending. Defense hawks on Capitol Hill do not want to see decreases to defense spending, non-defense discretionary spending decreases, and entitlement reforms. Most Democrats prefer increased taxes to pay for defense and non-defense spending, and to leave entitlements untouched. Speaker Boehner is working to resolve a deal before his departure at the end of the month so the new Speaker of the House can start with a clean slate.

The Senate and House Armed Services Committees will consider reforms to the military healthcare system. While Congress is still considering the FY16 NDAA, there are no specific details about what could be considered in the FY17 NDAA. EANGUS, in conjunction with the Reserve Officers Association and NGAUS, crafted a survey to ensure the voices of the Reserve Component are heard. Please follow this link to the EANGUS homepage and fill out the TRICARE Reserve: Access and Quality of Healthcare survey.