I received this message from Connor Lentz, Legislative Assistant for US House Representative John Kline (R-MN) last week. MNGEA has worked very closely with Rep. Kline’s Office, especially with former Legislative Aide Ryan Silverberg. On several occasions, Rep Kline took the time himself to sit down with us during our annual legislative workshop visits to Capitol Hill. He has been a strong supporter of many veteran issues, especially the Yellow Ribbon Program and Concurrent Receipt of VA-Retirement Pay. We have enjoyed working with Rep Kline and his very competent staff over the years and wish him well on his net adventure.


Below is the email we received from his current Legislative Assistant Connor Lentz.

“Good morning,

As you may know, Congressman Kline will be retiring from Congress after serving the constituents of the 2nd Congressional district for 14 years. As he finalizes his service and we conclude operations, I wanted to reach out one last time.

Throughout his time in Congress, your feedback as a veterans and military stakeholder has been invaluable. With your help, Congressman Kline fought for Minnesota veterans, servicemen and servicewomen of the Minnesota National Guard, and all of those serving in active duty here in the United States and all over the globe. Serving fourteen years as an active and dedicated Member on the House Committee on Armed Services, Congressman Kline supported our men and women returning from deployments by expanding the successful Minnesota Yellow Ribbon service member reintegration program nationwide, ensured returning servicemembers kept the leave they earned through the PDMRA program, called on the Army to ensure Minnesota National Guard’s ability to assist victims of military sexual trauma, and passed legislation that ensures our servicemen and servicewomen who are called to serve in the middle of their college careers aren’t unfairly harmed due to their military commitments.

This sampling of achievements represents a small fraction of the efforts untaken by Congressman Kline that were made possible by your continued advocacy.

On behalf of Congressman Kline, and all of his staff over the years, I would like to thank you for your role in his efforts. We sincerely appreciate your feedback, expertise, and input on policy issues that affect you.

Connor Lentz, Legislative Assistant
Congressman John Kline (MN-2)
2439 Rayburn House Office Building