H.R. 333, the “Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act” –
Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., D-GA., has just introduced H.R. 333, the “Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act,” which would provide full concurrent receipt for all military retirees having a service connected disability rating (including those who have been medically retired) – regardless of their VA disability rating level.
Military retirees with a service-connected disability of at least 50 percent (as rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are able to concurrently receive all of their military retirement pay and all of their VA disability compensation without offset. Unfortunately, those with disabilities rated below 50 percent still lose one retirement dollar for each compensation dollar received from the VA. Additionally, those retirees whose careers terminated due to medical conditions, are not eligible for concurrent receipt at all.
There has been several discussions of late around Capitol Hill regarding whether of not to dissolve any concurrent receipt program all together. This would be detrimental to many disable veterans who can only survive with these benefits they have earned. It is time to correct this unfair situation and protect what we currently have.
There are currently six co-sponsors to this bill.
Rep. Brownley, Julia [D-CA-26]
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3]
Rep. Shea-Porter, Carol [D-NH-1]
Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]
Rep. Peters, Scott H. [D-CA-52]
MNGEA is working with EANGUS to create a Legislative Alert for H.R. 333 through VoterVoice. Look for it soon and write your Congressional leaders. Help protect what we have earned!