Fellow Minnesota National Guard Members,

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, the decision has been made to cancel this year’s Joint Officer and Enlisted Associations’ 115th NGAMN and 51st MNGEA General Conference, which was to be held 24-26 April 2020 in St. Cloud, MN.

The NGAMN Annual Business Meeting will be held virtually on Saturday, 25 April from 1000-1130.  The MNGEA Annual Business Meeting’s date and time are still to be determined.  Further details will be sent to the respective association members’ emails, along with updates posted to their respective Facebook page and website.

For those that already registered for the conference, refunds will be issued over the next week.  If you have not received notification of your refund by the end of the month, please email webmaster@ngamn.org for assistance.