SGM Anthony Nathe of the Minnesota National Guard served as the 7th EANGUS President from 1988-1990. He and his wife Roberta have been involved in EANGUS since 1979 when they attended their first EANGUS Conference. In 1980, he was elected EANGUS Secretary in Milwaukee, WI. Along with  his wife Roberta, they published the first issue of the “New Patriot” magazine in Nov 1982. As a EANGUS Past President, he and his wife have been attending ever since.

Some of his organizational achievements include:  In 1999 at the EANGUS Conference in Minneapolis, MN, he lead the purchase of the first EANGUS National Headquarters on Prince Street in Alexandria, VA. He was heavily involved in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding w/ the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) guaranteeing EANGUS 2000 square feet of office space in the new National Guard Memorial Building after its scheduled completion in Nov 1990. During his time as President, EANGUS achieved record membership levels two consecutive years (54,785 members in 1989 and 56,968 in 1990). He was instrumental in establishing the EANGUS “We Care for America Family Education Program and Workshops” and assisted NGB and NGAUS in publishing regulation “Assistance to National Associations”.  As EANGUS President, presented the Minuteman Award and Life Membership card to President George H.W. Bush at the White House and a Minuteman Award to General William Westmoreland.

Below is a banner that is displayed each year at Conference in the History of EANGUS display. Several of his initiatives have carried forward to today and continues to grow strong for EANGUS. We thank SGM (Ret) Anthony Nathe  and his family for their dedication and hard work for the benefit of OUR Enlisted Association.