28 February 2015

TO: MNGEA Executive Council, Area Chairpersons and MNGEA members

FROM: Ray Kennedy, MNGEA Resolutions Committee Chair

1.  Annual Call for 2015 MNGEA Resolutions.

2.  Proposed Resolutions wil be considered at the 2015 Annual MNGEA Conference are due to the Resolutions Committee not later than 20 April 2015.

3.  Please prepare proposed resolutions as Word Documents and sent as individual attachments.  DO NOT SCAN OR SEND PDF files.

4.  Resolutions should include the following information:

a.  Title: (This will be the working title of the Resolution)

b.  Short Description: (A very brief description of the issue)

c.  Proposal Type: (New or Resubmission)

d.  Comments/Placeholders/Notes/Legislative History:   (Back ground on the current law or rule, background on previous attempts to adjust or change the law)

e.  Submitter: The state or Area sponsoring the Resolution

f.  Business Case: (The story of why, justification, the vital information)

g.  Recommendation: (What you want to be done and how)

6.  Resolutions should be no more than one page if possible and should contain ONLY ONE ISSUE.

Questions may be addressed to Ray Kennedy at email: legislative@mngea.com or phone: 651 402-8786.

Click on Resolutions Form to download the form and print it off TODAY!