A Letter from Congressman Erik Paulsen

Just wanted to share with the membership this letter I received recently from U.S. Representative Erik Paulsen (MN-3) in regards to the Capitol Hill visits Vice President Ray Kennedy and I had during our EANGUS Legislative Workshop in February.  We discussed...

S. 271 Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2015

Just sent this to EANGUS to start working on a Call To Action for our organization but you can also use this link through AFSA as well.  Senate Bill S. 271 is the Senate Bill to go along with H.F. 303 regarding Concurrent Receipt. EANGUS had this on the table two...

2015 Call for Resolutions

28 February 2015 TO: MNGEA Executive Council, Area Chairpersons and MNGEA members FROM: Ray Kennedy, MNGEA Resolutions Committee Chair 1.  Annual Call for 2015 MNGEA Resolutions. 2.  Proposed Resolutions wil be considered at the 2015 Annual MNGEA Conference are due to...