Maj Richard Star Act Reintroduced!

Maj Richard Star Act Reintroduced!

Legislative Update! The Major Richard Star Act (S.344/H.R.1282) was re-introduced in the 118th Congress on February 9, 2023. If passed, the bill would support more than 50,300 combat-injured veterans with concurrent receipt of vested retired pay and VA disability....
EANGUS Testimony to Congress

EANGUS Testimony to Congress

On Thursday, 9 March 2023, at 10:30 a.m. est, the House Veteran’s Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity will be holding a hearing entitled “Examining the Future of Workforce Protections for Servicemembers” EANGUS Legislative Director Kevin Hollinger has been...
President Biden signs NDAA into Law

President Biden signs NDAA into Law

With the enactment of the bill, Washington will have authorized spending at about $858 billion on defense programs in this fiscal year, mainly at the Pentagon. That is $45 billion, or five percent, more than Biden asked for in March to counter the effects of inflation...