EANGUS eNews Update – Nov 5, 2014
Despite pessimism that Congress will take action between now and year-end, it looks like S. 932, the Putting Veterans Funding First Act of 2013, will get debate time on the Senate floor. In an Oct 28 letter 20141028_Putting_Veterans_First_Act_Letter_Senate to the bill’s author, Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, let it be known that he intended to bring the bill to the floor when the Senate returns from recess. S. 932 cleared the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs last year, and its companion bill, H.R. 813, passed the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and is awaiting a floor vote. If the Putting Veterans Funding First Act is signed into law, it would provide funding to the Department of Veterans Affairs a full year in advance and would shelter the Department of Veterans Affairs from a government shutdown. EANGUS supports this legislation, so please be on the lookout for legislative call-to-action emails once S. 932 and H.R. 813 are scheduled for floor debate. For more information, please email Scott Bousum, Legislative Director.