WASHINGTON — The Inspector General’s Office will investigate the allegations of former Hibbing VA Clinic employees who have said they were ordered to backdate medical records at the facility, according to 8th District U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan.
In addition, in a telephone interview with the Mesabi Daily News Wednesday afternoon, the Democratic congressman said the investigation will also consider allegations by the former employees of a hostile work environment.
“None of the six women I talked with (a week ago in Mountain Iron) told me they had ever been interviewed. That’s not an investigation if you don’t talk to people who are making the allegations.”
Nolan said he believes the investigation will be processed quickly by Washington standards. “I’m thinking months, not years,” he said.
The former VA workers have said that they were required to backdate medical appointment schedules to make it appear that some veterans were being seen far sooner than when the appointments actually took place.
In addition, they also said there was a policy and attitude that put profits ahead of the wellbeing of veterans.
The Hibbing Clinic is run by Sterling Medical, which manages at least four other VA facilities in Minnesota, including Ely, Mankato, and St. James.
The allegations of backdating at the Hibbing clinic were originally reported by the StarTribune.
Nolan and Minnesota Sens. Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, asked Veterans Administration Acting Inspector General Richard Griffin in early November to look into the charges and report back to them at the earliest possible date.
But Nolan increased the pressure for an investigation following his meeting last week with the six former VA employees.
“My request was that they (the former employees) be interviewed and others, if possible,” Nolan said.
The congressman has praised those who have brought the allegations. “It takes courage to come forward.”