The MCRMC has proposed significant changes to the military healthcare system. Their plan calls for a Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP)-like program with the government paying annual enrollment fees, but with military treatment facilities (MTFs) structured as part of the program to ensure medical combat readiness. However, an article in FEDweek tells us why the Commission feels that straight use of FEHBP for military beneficiaries simply would not work as a replacement for the current TRICARE system. The article reports, “Although FEHBP has many attractive features, the Commission believes that it would not be appropriate for military beneficiaries to be enrolled with Federal civilians in the FEHBP as currently configured because of the unique requirements of the military, such as those related to readiness, and recognition of military service. . . Additionally, military members have made great sacrifices for their country and their health benefit should reflect this sacrifice. The Commission believes FEHBP cost shares of approximately 30 percent for employees and 70 percent for the Government are not appropriate for military members. . .”
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