On Thursday, February 26, members of The Military Coalition, including EANGUS, met with House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi; VSO Roundtable Chair, Representative Tim Walz; and other members of the Democratic Caucus in the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C. The conversation centered around funding to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and ideas about how Congress can tackle some of the Department’s systemic problems, including ensuring that the newly implemented Veterans Choice Act is successful. Leader Pelosi and her colleagues also asked for input regarding the recently released Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) Report. In general, most members of The Military Coalition voiced opposition to the Commissions’ findings. The majority of the organizations that make up The Military Coalition represent active duty and retirees. Only a minority serve members and retirees of the Reserve Component. Many of the recommendations set forth by MCRMC benefit members of the Army and Air Guard. In fact, MCRMC recommendation number four regarding Reserve Status Consolidation is an EANGUS Resolution. When reviewing the commission’s findings, please consider that the recommendations made grandfather all currently serving members.