This week, the subcommittees of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) will mark up (debate, agree on, and write up) their portions of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Airland subcommittee handles its portion on Sunday. The subcommittees of the SASC are Airland, Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Personnel, Readiness and Management Support, Seapower, and Strategic Forces. The Personnel subcommittee is the one we are most focused on since it will indicate the SASC position on military compensation, retirement, and quality-of-life benefit programs. Once the SASC subcommittees have done their work, their efforts will be combined into a draft NDAA to be considered by the full SASC. When the SASC agrees on the details of the FY 2016 NDAA, it will send its bill to the full Senate for consideration.