This information was recently received from DFAS regarding the Affordable Care Act.  Lots of good information and it may apply to you.

From: <>

Date: Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 12:05 PM

Subject: The Affordable Care Act, your taxes and you

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all Americans including all military members (active duty, retired, Selected Reserve, or Retired Reserve) and their eligible family members must have health care coverage that meets a minimum standard called minimum essential coverage or pay a fee.  Your TRICARE coverage meets the minimum essential coverage requirement under the ACA.  “The term “active duty” means full-time duty in the active service of a uniformed service for more than 30 consecutive days”.

Beginning in January 2016, DFAS will provide IRS Form 1095-C to all U.S. military members, and IRS Form 1095-B to all Retirees, Annuitants, former spouses and all other individuals having TRICARE coverage during all or any portion of tax year 2015.  An IRS Form 1095 documents you (and your family members, if applicable) have the minimum essential coverage.  More information will be forthcoming about the delivery method of these forms.  These forms will document the information that DFAS will provide to the IRS on yourself and your authorized family members.  The forms will be required to be reported with your 2015 federal tax return.  DFAS will provide you with IRS Form 1095 series forms no later than Jan. 31, 2016.

You can find more information about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on your federal income tax by clicking on IRS-Affordable Care Act.

You can act now to make sure your forms remain secure once they are available using myPay.  Just look for the link to “Turn On/Off Hard Coy of IRS Form 1095” in your account and select Electronic Delivery Only.  Your information will remain safe until you need it.