November 4, 2015

The Issue: Stop possible cuts to fiscal 2016 National Guard and Reserve Equipment Account (NGREA) funding.

Immediate Action Required: Ask your senators and representative to keep current fiscal 2016 NGREA funding intact.

More Information: Please urge your senators and representative to not use NGREA funds as a bill-payer for defense-funding levels in the new budget agreement

The recent budget agreement passed by the House and Senate and signed by president requires a $5 billion reduction in requested fiscal 2016 defense spending. The House and Senate armed services committees have significantly cut NGREA funds as part of this bill-payer.
Lawmakers originally authorized $420 million, but the committees have cut that figure by $170 million. In fiscal 2015, the Army and Air National Guard alone received $830 million in NGREA funds.
Changes to NGREA funding for fiscal 2016 still have to pass the full House and Senate, as well as the House and Senate appropriations committee subcommittees’ on defense as they finalize the defense appropriations act.
NGREA helps cover funding shortfalls for National Guard equipment in the service budgets, which makes it vital to Guard operations both at home and overseas. It is critical to let Congress know how important this funding is to the National Guard.
NGAUS Point of Contact:

Matt Pincus
Air Programs Manager