EANGUS Legislative Update 2016-02 

Big news for many State Technicians!  EANGUS Legislative Director Scott Bousum reports …

controversial provision included in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act is causing some angst in the National Guard community, in the Nation’s Capital. Section 1053, Management of Military Technicians asks the Secretary of Defense for a report due out soon, aimed to convert up to 20 percent of dual-status military technician positions in general administration, clerical, and financial occupations to positions filled by federal civilian employees under Title 5 (5 USC 3101). Labor Unions are in favor of this legislation because it grants appeal rights in the event of dismissal, and Title 5 employees have the option of receiving overtime pay and retention bonuses. Many, but not all, TAGs and Governors are against the conversion because they fear increased cost burden and decreased authority over dual-status technicians. Key members and staff in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are in favor of the proposal and it is likely the conversion will happen.