On February 6-8, the EANGUS National Office hosted the 2016 Legislative Workshop. In all, nearly 150 EANGUS members attended this year and we had a great turnout of first timers. We had a great two day workshop and Reception event on Capitol Hill. Legislative workshop guest speakers included: CMSgt Mitchell Brush, Senior Enlisted Advisor for the National Guard Bureau; CSM Brunk Conley, Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard; CSM Luther Thomas, Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve; Mr. Ricky Smith, Staff Director, National Commission on the Future of the Army; and Sherman Patrick, Military Legislative Assistant to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). During the workshop, EANGUS members discussed veteran status, TRICARE Reform plans (more on that below), and proposals to change tax reimbursement for reservists who travel 100 miles away from their residence in the performance of military duty to be able deduct some expenses as an adjustment to gross income. EANGUS would like to see that mileage reduced to 50 miles, to better reflect the mileage reimbursement rate amount that federal employees receive.
The Reception on Monday, February 8 was well attended by Congressional staff. During the reception, we awarded Ms. Samantha Clark, Professional Staffer, Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and Mr. Craig Greene, Professional Staff, House Armed Services Committee (HASC) the 2016 Militia Awards. Ms. Clark and Mr. Greene support the SASC and HASC Military Personnel Subcommittees respectively. On Tuesday, February 9, a cohort of EANGUS members presented the G.V. Sonny Montgomery Eagle Awards to Senator John McCain and Representative Joe Heck. Our 2016 award winners were honored for their support for the blended retirement proposals included in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act.
National Commission on the Future of the Army
The National Commission on the Future of the Army (NCFA) released its final report this month. It is yet to be determined how many of the Commission’s recommendations will be considered and adopted by Congress. On Wednesday, February 10, the House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee (TAL) hosted a hearing regarding the NCFA report. The hearing’s witnesses included two commissioners, General Carter F. Ham, USA ( Ret.) and the Honorable Robert Hale, former DOD Comptroller. The hearing served to show Congressional support for increasing Army End Strength. Despite an in depth analysis regarding threats and risk facing the U.S. Army, the Commission failed to recommend increasing AC/RC end strength. On Thursday, February 11, Representative Chris Gibson (R-NY) and Rep Turner introduced HR 4534 , Protecting Our Security Through Utilizing Right-Sized End-Strength (POSTURE) Act of 2016. The POSTURE Act expresses the sense of Congress that given the uncertain world and the need for trained and ready U.S. land force, the planned drawdown of land forces should be stopped. In all, there are nineteen members cosponsoring the legislation and it is anticipated that HASC will address end strength shortfalls when considering the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act this spring.
TRICARE Reform Considerations
As the Senate and House Armed Services Committees begin consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act, more and more information about potential changes to military health care are being released. During the Senate Guard Caucus Breakfast on Tuesday, February 23, Senate Guard Caucus Co-Chair, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) addressed the possibility of a pilot program for National Guard members wanting coverage beyond what is offered under TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS). The pilot program would give members of the Guard and their family members access to the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP) which is managed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The health care plans offered under FEHBP will likely be a more expensive alternative than TRS. If the Senate creates a pilot program to expand health care coverage options – by allowing EANGUS members access to FEHBP – the EANGUS National Office staff will suggest that TRS be an option available to members under the FEHBP pilot. Therefore, if anyone is not wanting to change health care plans, that individual can remain on TRS. The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) will host a health care reform hearing on Tuesday, February 23 at 2:30 PM ET. The hearing will be archived on CSPAN here. The SASC Military Personnel Subcommittee will host a posture hearing on Tuesday, March 8 at 2:30 PM ET. Scott Bousum, the EANGUS Legislative Director has been invited to testify during the hearing. More information on the hearing will be made available at a later date.