Please join us at the 2016 MNGEA Legislative Workshop!  The MNGEA Executive Board has put together an excellent workshop and we are very excited to be your host at Minnesota’s State Capital on, March 17 from 0830 AM.  The 2016 Legislative Workshop includes:

  • A comprehensive overview of current State and National legislative issues affecting the active and retired military and our nation’s security
  • Guidance regarding visiting your legislators on Capitol Hill
  • Talking points to make sure you clearly and easily explain your position on your issues during your legislator visits
  • A light lunch.

To register for the workshop send an email to:

Don’t delay.  Plan your appointments with your elected officials now.  If you have not done so already, please contact your district offices to schedule an appointment, using the House and Senate contact lists hyperlinked below.  Schedule your appointments during the afternoon of Thursday, March 17.