Today, several members of MNGEA met at the Cedar Street Armory in St. Paul, Minnesota to learn the grassroots legislative process and discuss legislative concerns/issues affecting our Minnesota National Guard personnel and retirees.  Later today, several will be at the State Capitol meeting with their respective legislative representatives.  MNGEA has two major discussion points being addressed on Capitol Hill:  Veteran Status for Title 32 Guardsmen and Tax Relief for Military Retirees.  This is the first State Legislative Workshop hosted by MNGEA in over 12 years.

“We are setting the building blocks within the state organization to better position ourselves both at the State and National  level.  The first step is teaching our members the ins and outs of the legislative process.  I commend Ray Kennedy and Paul Coochiarella in coordinating this workshop and we will work hard to build on this for next year’s workshop.” said MNGEA State President Mark Wasserbauer.

VP Kennedy

VP Ray Kennedy briefs MNGEA Legislative Workshop on the Legislative process at National level (2016).