An article received from our friend’s from AFSA (Air Force Sergeants Association).  The GI Bill benefits are something MNGEA & EANGUS have fought very hard for our veterans.  If you feel strongly about keeping these benefits and holding Congress to it’s promises, read the the articles below and contact your local and national representatives now!

From “The Voice of The Enlisted on Capitol Hill” dated 15 April 2016:


Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., and other members of Congress held a rally with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and its members to urge Congress to defend the Post-9/11 GI Bill. (Photo: Alan Lessig/Military Times)

“Yesterday AFSA Chief Operating Officer Mark Stevenson delivered comments at the steps of the US Capitol thanks to our friends at the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) who coordinated a press conference with six Members of Congress.  Central to the issue of funding for the Post 9/11 GI Bill for AFSA is the fact that it was promised and passed into law, combat operations are still ongoing, and they’re talking about cutting it now.

A good article that captures this press conference can be found at DEFENDGIBILL

Leo Shane of MilitaryTimes offers additional perspective at MOREGIBILL

Keeping in mind the purpose of the GI Bill in any form is to assist veterans in their ability to transition from military life to civilian life, another news article that takes a different angle on this complex issue can be read at EMPLOYVETS”