The 45th annual EANGUS Conference has come and gone. Hats off to the Louisiana Enlisted Association (LANGEA) for hosting the conference and pulling it off despite most of their National Guard personnel being activated to combat the recent flooding throughout Louisiana. Many of the State Associations answered the call, volunteering resources and manpower to aid LANGEA with conference help in addition to volunteering throughout the city of New Orleans in support of the flood victims. As it was so often heard throughout conference, “It is what we (National Guard) do!”
Despite the tragedy of the flooding, lots of great work was still accomplished during the conference. One of the most important parts of conference evolves around Resolutions! It was another banner year for States submitting resolutions to be discussed during the Resolutions Committee sessions. Committee members were very busy every day of conference, going line by line over each submission. On Day 4 of the conference, the resolutions were read to the state delegates on the floor during the last business session and voted on. Click on 2016 Resolutions Report to view the final resolutions report.

Last year, MNGEA revitalized their State Legislative Workshop program with hopes of expanding it this February. MNGEA’s program models the EANGUS Legislative Workshop but is more tailored to State-specific initiatives and gives it’s members the opportunity to meet and visit with State Legislative leaders while they are in session in St. Paul. When MNGEA talks to legislative leaders on behalf on the Minnesota National Guard, our voice is only as strong as our membership. If you are not a member of MNGEA and are a current Minnesota National Guard enlisted member, please consider joining our Association. Click on JOIN. It is a dual membership (MNGEA & EANGUS) and goes a long way – STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!!! Consider joining today!