The rapid decline in health functions of veterans exposed to burn pits is an ongoing issue needing immediate attention.  A new congressionally mandated study conducted by the National Academies found determined those who are deployed are exposed to things like diesel exhaust, along with burn pits that cause life altering health issues.  In result, VA doctors have diagnosed diseases like constrictive bronchiolitis or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – rare, crippling and often fatal diseases not usually found in young, relatively healthy populations like active-duty military personnel.  Outside of the health questionnaire results recorded by VA doctors, there is no health system in place to help these Vets.  The questionnaire results simply add to the statistics of those affected by burn pits.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of civilians, active-duty, and Veterans alike to bring awareness to this issue so we can continue to protect those who protect us.  Click here to read more about the study and its findings.

This information was sent out from AFSA (Air Force Sergeants Association) through their email blasts.  MNGEA strongly supports increased studies of the burn pits and how they are affecting many of our brothers and sisters.  Currently, S. 319 (Helping Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits Act introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-MN) and H.R. 1279 (Helping Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits Act introduced by Rep. Elizabeth Esty , D-CT) are in the 115th Congress.  H.R. 1279 has been referred to the House Armed Services Committee.  S. 319 has been referred to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.  Please write your Senators and Representatives about these bills and ask for their support.