The potential of decreased STR benefits is gaining more traction.  In a recent press release, both the National Guard Association of Minnesota (NGA-MN) and Minnesota National Guard Enlisted Association (MNGEA) have combined efforts to gain support of keeping State Tuition Reimbursement (STR) benefits at the levels they currently are.

These associations represent the officers and enlisted members of the Minnesota National Guard.  They have come together over some serious concerns with the MN House and Senate’s budget proposals and impact on readiness of our Minnesota soldiers and airmen.

The Minnesota National Guard (Army and Air) uses many programs such as STR to help recruit new soldiers and airmen and help retain the valuable resources they have.  Decreasing the reimbursement level to prior levels could severely impact the Guard’s recruitment and retainability rates.

MNGEA has worked with EANGUS (Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States) to create a state Call To Action Alert.  Click on the button below, enter your Email & Zip Code and select “Continue”.  The VoterVoice App will create a template letter which you can modify (if you so choose to) and send to your State Senators and State Representatives (based on your Zip Code).  It’s very easy to use!

MNGEA 2017-01

The current STR program provides up to 100% reimbursement benefits as outlined below:


  • You must be a member of the MN National Guard.
  • You are eligible for STR for classes that you attend AT AN ACCREDITED COLLEGE after completion of basic training.
  • You must remain in the Minnesota National Guard during the entire term of courses.
  • E1 to O5, including Warrant Officers are eligible for State Tuition Reimbursement. The lifetime maximum State Tuition Reimbursement benefit is 208 quarter or 144 Semester credits.
  • State Tuition Reimbursement has been extended to service members who have satisfactorily completed their service contract in the Minnesota National Guard who served honorably in federal active service or federally funded state active service since September 11, 2001.
    • Eligibility is extended for a period of two years, plus the amount of time equal to the duration of that person’s active service.
  • State Tuition Reimbursement has been extended to service members who have been separated or discharged from that organization due to a service-connected injury, disease, or disability.
    • Eligibility period is extended for eight years beyond the date of separation.

The Undergraduate reimbursement rate is up to 100% of the undergraduate rate of the University of Minnesota — Twin Cities Campus with a maximum yearly benefit of $17,000 per fiscal year (01 JUL through 30 JUN).

The Graduate reimbursement rate is up to 100% of the graduate rate of the University of Minnesota — Twin Cities Campus with a maximum yearly benefit of $36,000 per fiscal year (01 JUL through 30 JUN).

Contact your state leaders today and them to NOT support SF605 and H.F. 691.  The Associations have created a Talking Paper regarding these bills.  Read more at 20170427_Op Ed State DMA Funding Concerns.