On October 26, 2017, Representative Steven Pearce (NM) introduced H.R. 4146, the Disabled Veterans Life Insurance Act of 2017, a bill that would improve Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI).   Currently, premium rates for S-DVI are based on the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of Mortality.  This legislation would no longer use mortality rates from 1941 but would be based on the current industry standards and reduce premium payments.

To apply for S-DVI today, the application must be received within two years from the last date a service-connected disability is granted.  If enacted, this bill would change the period from two years to ten years.  H.R. 4146 would also increase initial life insurance coverage from $10,000 to $95,000.

Currently, supplemental coverage is available for additional costs.  If H.R. 4146 is passed, it will increase the amount of supplemental coverage from $30,000 to $115,000.

If this is something you think MNGEA should or should NOT support, please contact our State President Ray Kennedy (president@mngea.com) and let him know.  If there is enough general support from our membership, it will be brought to our Legislative Vice President.  You can also call or write your congressional legislative leaders requesting their support.  Grassroots politics at it’s finest!