On January 1, TRICARE’s three TRICARE Regional Offices were combined into two, East and West, and two new managed care support contractors (MCSC), Health Net Federal Service and Humana, respectively, began administering care to TRICARE beneficiaries in those regions.  This triggered many administrative changes including a requirement for beneficiaries who paid their TRICARE fees via electronic funds transfer (EFT) to provide their payment information to their new MCSC, if applicable, since by law, the outgoing contractors were prohibited from transferring beneficiaries’ payment information directly to the incoming contractors.  As of last week, 41,000 beneficiaries in the East Region alone have failed to do this and they now risk losing their healthcare coverage.  If you pay your TRICARE enrollment fees or premiums through electronic funds transfer or via debit or credit card, you need to update your payment information with your new regional contractor.  Even if you already provided your payment information to your new regional contractor, it’s a good idea to check that your payments are, in fact, being made.  To confirm whether your payment information has been successfully updated with your new regional contractor, check your bank or credit card statements from January and February.  If your TRICARE fees do not appear on the statements, you need to contact your new contractor and give them your debit or credit card information.  If you are not sure who your current regional contractor is, visit TRICARE’s Region’s Page.  If you pay an enrollment fee for TRICARE coverage, and your payment isn’t received by your new contractor within 150 days from your last paid through date, you will lose TRICARE coverage.  Please act now!  Contact your regional contractor as soon as possible to provide your payment information:

West Region:
Health Net Federal

East Region:
Humana Military