The Military Coalition (TMC), which EANGUS is a member of, presented its highest Leadership Award to a lawmaker and Freedom Awards a pair of professional congressional staff members.

Representative Tim Walz, DFL-MN, was recognized for his Excellence in Leadership as the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (HVAC) during the 115th Congress.  During this timeframe Walz helped ensure the VA received the resources it needed and that its leaders were held accountable.  He defended the Post 9/11 GI Bill from cuts; aggressively pressed for the passage of the “Forever GI Bill” and Mission Act legislation; and improved access for veterans specifically focusing on filling in gaps for female veterans/combating the veteran suicide crisis.

The Coalition also presented its 2018 Freedom Awards to Mr. Jon Clark, Staff Director for the HVAC Economic Opportunity Subcommittee, and Mr. David Shearman, Professional Staff Member with the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs for their tireless work on the development and passage of the “Forever GI Bill.”

It’s comforting to know that Veterans have supporters like these working on their behalf on Capitol Hill.  Well done gentlemen!

TMC Members


The following are the associations of The Military Coalition, in alphabetical order. The applicable links to individual Web sites (or e-mail addresses if no web site is available) are provided.