The recent launch of the MISSION Act’s new Veterans Community Care Program appears to have gone relatively smoothly with few glitches noted that we are aware of. VA barely met the deadline but did announce final rules for the VCCP and Urgent Care in Wednesday’s edition of the Federal Register.
Most Veterans won’t notice a change right away, which is how the VA intended it to be. However, as the program unfolds, problems may occur, and if you run into one, we hope you will notify AFSA HQ so we can work with VA officials to get the issue resolved.
VA established a particular MISSION Act contact center at (844) 698 2311 so Veterans can call to get answers to their questions about the new program. Select option 1 when/if you call the center whose hours of operation will be 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in all time zones.
Read more about the new program by clicking on the PDF links above.