Many of our patients have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Those who have already received the vaccine may still have questions for loved ones who are seeking vaccinations. We hope that this information is helpful for all.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is it your turn to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
Supply is limited. Essentia Health is following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments for vaccine distribution. For more information on distribution guidelines or to learn more about the vaccine, please visit your state department of health’s website:
What can you do?
Complete the new COVID-19 vaccine questionnaire in Essentia MyChart. Information from the questionnaire, along with information from your medical record, will be used to help determine your interest as well as the priority group you fall into for the vaccine. Priority groups are based on state guidelines.
If you have an Essentia MyChart account, look for the COVID-19 vaccine questionnaire on your MyChart home screen or in the MyChart Symptom Checker. The questionnaire will ask about your interest in the vaccine, line of work and other health conditions.
How and when will you be notified?
Essentia will use the information in your chart such as age and health conditions, and your answers to the questionnaire to identify when you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. As the vaccine is available, you will be randomly selected to schedule your vaccination, based on state guidelines for your priority group.
Essentia will notify you when it’s your turn for the COVID-19 vaccine, even if you do not complete the questionnaire. We will notify you by a MyChart message and phone call, so please make sure your contact information is up-to-date within MyChart so that we are able to reach you.
It is also important to keep in mind the possibility that appointments may need to be rescheduled based on supply.
How can you learn more about the safety of the vaccine?
Please watch our Essentia Health COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar video, visit the CDC website or contact your provider if you have additional questions or concerns about the vaccine.
Essentia MyChart is the most efficient way to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment
Be sure your family members and loved ones who are established Essentia Health patients are signed up for a MyChart patient portal account. MyChart is the most efficient way to receive an invite to schedule a vaccine appointment. Proxy access is available to allow a trusted adult to access the MyChart account of a child, spouse, parent or others you care for. Sign up for MyChart today.