Soldiers and Airmen of the Minnesota National Guard,

Please “SAVE THE DATE” for Month of the Military Child (MOMC) Purple Up Fridays & the administrative leave opportunity on 15APR22. See below for details.

Who: All members of the MN National Guard
What: MOMC Awareness – “Purple Up” Friday & Administrative Leave
When: Every Friday Throughout the month of April & April 15, 2022
Where: Throughout the State of Minnesota
Why: In support of the National Guard’s People First initiative, State Family Programs recognizes MOMC as an opportunity to highlight the commitment, contributions, and sacrifices military-connected youth make for our Nation.  Throughout the month of April, the Minnesota National Guard will acknowledge military children’s sacrifices, resilience, and strength of character. During the month of April Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides the following activities: Photo Contest, Art Contest, Letter from the Governor, and Mall of America (MOA) event.  The MOA event will be held on 15APR22. Registration opens 16MAR22. CYS will be distributing, by email, the MOMC opportunities to Families and Full Time Staff/units.

Upon approval from the employee’s direct supervisor, each Friday during the month of April 2022, the wear of the color purple business casual clothing may be worn in lieu of regular duty uniform to raise awareness of the sacrifices of our Military children past and present.

Upon approval from the employee’s direct supervisor, Military and Dual Status Federal Technicians will be authorized administrative leave to attend the MOA event. Supervisors of technicians will submit an administrative leave request to the FTS tracker requesting no more than 4 hours of admin leave to attend the MOMC event on 15APR2022.

In ATAAPS, the employee will request admin leave (LN). Required comments in the “remarks” section of the leave request are:  “MOMC Event.”

This request will be submitted NLT 3 days prior to the day of the event. The date time group for the event is 151200-1800APR22.

POC: POC is Mrs. Laura Groeneweg, Child and Youth Services, at or 651.268.8695.