Auxiliary’s The Signal – Nov 2018

Auxiliary’s The Signal – Nov 2018

Here is the link to the latest edition of The Signal, EANGUS Auxiliary newsletter.  New Auxiliary President Angela Kennebeck is from Area V (Iowa) and would like to hear from you.  Lots of good information on upcoming events and national conference registration.  Give...

34ID Red Bulls Arrive in Kuwait

Minnesota’s 34th Red Bull Infantry Division has arrived in Kuwait and is preparing to assume responsibility of leading Task Force Spartan, which is focused on building partner capacity, regional self-reliance and increasing security, from the 28th Infantry...
Veterans Day Meals & Deals

Veterans Day Meals & Deals

Happy Veterans Day! November 11 is officially Veterans Day but the Federal Holiday wil be observed on Monday, Nov 12th.  With recent tradition, many local area business/restaurants offer free meals and/or discounts to our Veterans and currently serving military...